Hello Everyone, I’m Duke, and I’m a 14-week-old Australian Shepherd and the newest staff member to WSC, working with staff and student support.
I’ve been told, I’m very cute and very clever but I’m still learning, so to help me, here’s a few things you should know.
* Whenever I’m outside I must have my lead on, and I walk on the left side near your leg. This keeps me safe and away from the road when I’m out walking on the footpath.
* Paws on the floor - please don’t let me or encourage me to jump up on you. I’m not allowed on the furniture, so please don’t ask me to hop up, cuddles happen on the floor. I have four legs of my own, so I don’t need to be picked up or carried.
* If I forget and try to mouth your hand just remind me that it’s not nice by saying in a firm tone, NO. It’s best if you don’t play or wave your hands near my face because that just confuses me.
* My human keeps me well fed, and even though I'd love it, please don’t give me treats or share your lunch with me. I’m also not to scavenge off the ground in the yard, cause that’s just bad manners.
* Finally, as I’m still a baby, to help me grow, I need time outs and naps, so I can’t always play but I’ll be big soon enough.
I can’t wait to meet you.
Love Duke