Families seeking enrolment are advised to complete the above Expression of Interest form and submit online.
Our Assistant Principals; Ms Stevie Martin (Senior School Yr 11 & 12), Mr Julie Parker (Middle School Yr 9 & 10) and Mr Andrew Pizaro (Junior School Yr 7 & 8) will be pleased to contact you via phone or electronic means to meet with you and your child for an enrolment enquiry interview. At this interview we will explore your child's individual interests and learning needs and hope to answer any queries you may have about our school, our educational programs, pastoral care program, our facilities, our House Sports competitions, our extra curricular activities and all facets of the life and culture of our College.. Successful pathways options to Year 12 completion will be investigated, and you will have further opportunities to ask any questions you may have. We always seek to contact your previous school prior to enrolment being confirmed.
Details regarding school uniform and booklists will be provided. Enrolments for students entering Years 8 to 12 are conducted on an individual basis.
Enrolments into Year 7 are conducted through our feeder Primary school, both government and non-government. Grade 6 families seeking enrolment from outside the Wallan, Kilmore, Beveridge, Wandong, Upper Plenty areas are asked to contact the College on 5783 0300.
We do hold information evenings throughout the school year for our upcoming Year 7's. Come along and find out more about our wonderful and engaging learning community.
In Victoria, children of compulsory school age are entitled to be enrolled at their designated neighbourhood school. The designated neighbourhood school is generally the government school within closest proximity to the student’s permanent residential address, unless the Minister or their delegate (such as the Regional Director) has restricted the zone of a school. In such cases, a child’s designated neighbourhood school may not be their nearest school.
Students are able to apply for a place at a school that is not their designated neighbourhood school. All requests from students living outside the school’s zone will be considered by the Principal at the preferred school.
If there are sufficient places, under the Placement Policy it is expected that government schools will accept all students of school age seeking enrolment at the school.
Where there are insufficient places at a school for all students who seek entry, students are enrolled according to the Placement Policy's priority order of placement, which has six criteria. Schools ensure that all applicants eligible under a criterion have been offered a place before moving to consideration of the next. All students for whom the school is the designated neighbourhood school are guaranteed a place. The priority order of placement is as follows:
The result will show:
@ Wallan Secondary College