The College Council requires all students enrolled at Wallan Secondary College to follow a dress code.
All students are required to wear the correct College uniform to and from the College, at the College and for all College activities unless advised by the Principal.
All students are required to dress neatly, modestly and safely whilst undertaking any College based activity. Students and caregivers should note that failure to comply with the College Uniform Policy (as ratified by College Council) is considered to be a breach of their responsibilities as a student of Wallan Secondary College.
Students are required to dress as follows:
Formal Uniform
Sports Uniform
When wearing the uniform students must ensure that:
The shirt is tucked in when worn with a jumper, jacket or blazer
The winter skirt and summer dress must be no shorter in length than 5cm above the knee.
Student Council has approved the wearing of the sports uniform as an everyday uniform
For Duty of Care and OH&S purposes, ear studs or sleepers only are acceptable.
Students who wear facial/body piercings (not as stated above to school will automatically receive a lunchtime detention.
Repeat offenders or students who fail to attend their lunchtime detention will receive a consequence in line with the Student Wellbeing and Engagement Policy. Students who continually refuse to remove piercings will be sent home with parental consent until they comply.)
Ear spacers, bolas and any other piercings which are not standard ear sleepers or studs are not permitted.
These include Technology, Science and Physical Education/Sport classes.
Students' haircuts must be neat and moderate and not be in extreme or exaggerated styles. Marked contrasts of colour, dreadlocks or use of hair products to create large spikes are not considered to be moderate. Students considering colour change must ensure that the colour remains one that occurs naturally. If in doubt, students should consult their Year Level Leader before colouring or styling their hair.
Under no circumstances are visible tattoos or other forms of body art permitted. (Cultural exemptions are available through the Principal)
Students are permitted to wear sunglasses when outdoors as stated in the College Sun Smart – UV Policy. Under no circumstances are sunglasses to be worn indoors.
On special occasions students are permitted to wear a selection of their own casual clothes to school
instead of their normal uniform. Generally, these occasions are held as fundraisers for selected
charities, therefore a coin donation from each student is seen to be appropriate.
Whilst it is a casual clothes day, the College still expects students to observe principles
concerning the dignity of each person and the respect for others. Students need to be mindful of
the styles of clothing and appearance that are deemed to be inappropriate at Wallan Secondary
• All tops and shirts must cover the shoulders and should not be low cut. All tops should be of
sufficient length to cover the midriff
• Hoodies are not permitted to be worn at any time
• Shoulderless, shoestring strapped and singlet tops are not appropriate
• Shorts (both male and female), dresses and skirts must sit no lower than the hips and must be
midthigh length or longer
• Shorts, Skirts or dresses which contain slits or folds that can expose the leg are also not
• Jeggings and leggings are not to be worn without a mid-thigh length clothing item over the top
• Jeans with rips that expose the upper thigh area are not permitted
• Clothes must not convey inappropriate messages
• Night attire (Pajamas – PJs etc.) is not acceptable
• If students have a Physical Education, Science or Design and Technology class on a casual
clothes day then they must wear or bring the appropriate footwear
• WSC Uniform policy still applies to facial piercings, jewellery, hair colour, makeup and nail
Furthermore, students should be mindful that if they are dressed inappropriately, or that their
appearance is deemed not suitable by the Student Management Team, they will be required to
change into more appropriate clothing or are sent home with parental permission.
Uniform can also be purchased online via the PSW website.
Uniform can be purchased through PWS: 71 Potter Street, CRAIGIEBURN VIC 3064, Phone number: 9768 0344
Please contact the College if you require assistance with this matter.
@ Wallan Secondary College